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2013年12月4日 星期三



Many family doctors are routinely prescribing a treatment for the skin  condition eczema that can make the symptoms worse, according to a new survey.
Around 90 per cent of GPs say they prescribe aqueous cream to patients, yet a  staggering 85 per cent are giving it to patients incorrectly.
They are prescribing it as a moisturiser to help combat the dry skin  associated with conditions such as eczema.
Warning: People with eczema  who use aqueous cream could be making their condition worse
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1254715/Eczema-cream-making-skin-worse.html#ixzz2kLv3Rky8 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

幾年前也有一則新聞表示根據英國巴斯大學的研究,也是指出AQ CREAM會令濕疹越來越差的。

